Diagnostic Procedures for Pain in the Back at KBNI
Back pain (backache) is the pain felt in the back that may arise from muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures of the spine. Back pain is one of the most common concerns that may affect individuals, at some point of their life. The first step in obtaining effective pain relief is by accurately diagnosing the underlying cause of your back pain. During your first visit at the Kraus Back and Neck Institute, your doctor will take a thorough history of your back pain symptoms such as the onset, duration and intensity of the pain to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor may also want to know the nature of your pain and conditions that improve or deteriorate your pain. Questions may also be asked about your previous history of back pain, the treatment you received and the outcome of those treatments. Bring your previous imaging study results such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, Myelograms, EMG/NCV reports, Bone scans, and operative reports.
Your doctor will perform a physical examination to check for flexibility, range of motion and the signs of nerve damage. Your doctor will also evaluate your sensations, reflexes, and strength of the muscles. Your doctor may order nerve conduction studies to test the nerves and the electrical activity of muscles. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans may be needed to analyze soft-tissue damage. Prior to your scan, inform your doctor of any pacemaker, artificial limb, any metal pins or metallic components in your body. Other additional imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scan, or ultrasound may also be ordered to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment often begins as soon as the pain source has been accurately determined. |